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Research Overview

Our Research

Bar graph showing the number of publications from the Ohio WRC between fiscal years 2015 and 2019. Presentations are the biggest category by far, followed by papers and then theses. 2016 and 2017 were the years with the most publications.

The Ohio Water Resources Center Ohio (WRC) has funded a myriad of projects over the last decade to researchers working to solve pressing water issues. By developing technologies and processes to reduce phosphorus and nitrogen from wastewater and agricultural runoff, Ohio WRC-funded researchers are creating solutions to mitigate the detrimental effects of harmful algal blooms, as well as finding ways to protect natural water bodies. In addition, our funded researchers are developing innovative technologies for drinking water treatment and changing policies to make innovation in water treatment accessible. Our researchers are also exploring the energy-water nexus, with an aim toward sustainable development of current and new energy sources as well as strategies for more efficient water use, especially in energy extraction processes.

Our researchers have leveraged seed funding to publish journal articles, give presentations, have conversations with stakeholders, and provide opportunities for both graduate and undergraduate student to get hands on experience regarding relevant water issues in the state of Ohio.

Ohio Water Resources Center - A Decade in Review

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70 Research Projects Funded

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Resulting in 63 Publications and 262 Presentations

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From 76 Researchers at 15 Ohio Universities

Icon of a professor teaching three students

54 Masters and 60 Undergraduate Students Trained

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40 PhD Candidates Prepared for a career in research

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For every federal dollar invested $10 was leveraged from other sources

Water Quality

College of three researchers testing water quality in various ways in the field and in the lab.

Over the last ten years, Ohio's surface waters have seen an influx of quality impairments such as hypoxic (oxygen-depleted) “dead zones” and Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs). These issues are caused by pollutants from agricultural nutrient runoff, wastewater effluents and other sources that flow into smaller tributaries which end up in larger bodies of water. Our funded researchers work diligently to understand the causes and patterns of HABs while seeking solutions to improve water quality and reduce nutrient input into our water bodies. Additionally, our researchers investigate other emerging water quality issues, such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). 


Water Technology

Collage of three researchers taking water samples.

Our Location in The Ohio State University's College of Engineering and relationship with the Ohio Water Development Authority enables us to fund research in technology development. The promotion of innovative technologies to combat water issues in Ohio allow our researchers to seek repeatable methods and implementable solutions that can serve as a standard for water research on a national scale. Our funded researchers are developing innovative technologies to treat microcystin, nutrients and other emerging contaminants in drinking water and wastewater. Furthermore, the Ohio WRC is working with stakeholders to make emerging water treatment technologies more accessible for small water treatment systems in the state.